Oct 9, 2012

Working. Double the pressure.

Who find working is an interesting moments of his/her life?

Who agree with that above statement?

And who are totally disagree??

I bet you, most of people will say no.

But, some may tick Yes.

Yup, i know. It depends on what kind of field we involved in, what kind of people that we dealt with and what is the amount of salary.

I still remember an advice from a person that I quite admire.
He said " Dont love your company because u do not know when they will stop liking you. But, do love your job because you will find satisfaction when u really into it".

What a wonderful advice.

But, what if we love the job but the it seems killing us silently?
Really twisted.

Me, myself. Being among of the best students does not guarantee me anything.
Plus, I went through a lots of hardness and wasted piles of tears. Such a waste.

Other people perceptions about working-people are sooo untrue.
They thought that we are a very lucky person in the world. We could buy things, rent a house, buy a car, buy expensive cloths and gadgets.

But, did they know the truth of being in a working life??
Working world is soo harsh, mean and sick.
Its double the pressure that you could endure.
I really do not know whether I love my job or not.

Why can we work as happy as we pray and we eat?
I wake up everyday with a bright smile on my face. I am hoping that today wasn`t bad as yesterday.
So Bad, it turned out with a nightmare at night.

But, I wont give up.
Best experiences come with a very harsh way and styles.
And, this is the real style.

Reality Oh Reality!
I wish I could be just like snow white whom only waiting for her prince charming to come and kiss, and they were happily ever after!

I salute my mom & dad and whoever people that effectively managed their life so harmony. I cant imagine myself doing housework at night after working.
But, my mom did it. And she never complain.
Oh, you are so amazing mother!

After all, life must go on. This is not the stop for our journey. It is just a hurdle that may twist some of our path. Whether it may turn around straight, or may moves in reverse direction.
Only He knows.

Pray a lot guys. May He ease the pathway.

Ok, Bye. take care.

Jan 24, 2012

serabut y`al.

hi there, ok, this is just a piece of mind therapy.maybe
i was kinda in the little life crisis that bang my heart and made me spinning like a twirl. its not easy to say out loud or to whisper in mute, but, i`m gonna bumped it out. susah kan?

like always, i had this kinda crisis. i wont tell. just to keep it confidential, but, i have no guidance and power that tell me to stand with it and be strong.
sometimes, life gets hard. and when it comes to the hardest part, then we turn into Him and seek his pathway and solution.
But, what if..


what if you believe that this is the end, or the start or the intersection for another path..

you know, its kinda hard to write it in a sentence when the instinct that we had never can be transfer in a good way. I`m off the road and so mess up now.

Its messy and serabut you know.

i found this quotes in the Pinterest.
yeah, its true. but, the way he`ll bring us to it, will be another challenge that must be face with power and perseverance.
I wish i am strong enough to get through it and choose my own pathway. with the correct ones. Sigh.

yes, things will get better tomorrow, or day after tomorrow. but, it always do.
Pray for the best of me.
Bye bloggers.

Sep 16, 2011


Hi guys. its been a long time since my last post. Hectic trembling my days past few months before. But, its okay, I`m activated now. i wanna stress on this topic which i found so much interesting to talk about.


I bet this four little words give various meanings to everyone. Catching intentions in you. You create your own feeling for whom you wanna love and deserved to be love.
But the thing that keep on lingering in my head is, why does it is quite pain in loving someone and letting him gone?

I love Him. I love Her, I love them. But, God are fair enough with us. we cannot be greedy in having everything that we want. He gave us one thing, and he take back the other thing. Things that need to be well understood.

Personally, i do miss a man that trigger my heartbeat to jump faster from its track, who did makes me smile when i`m alone, and create a brighter day after listened to his voice. Oh, Love fever. Making me a little bit drunk into his poison. Kinda freak out to say this, but, i`m in love rite now.

This condition really made me attached with this quotes;
All days are nights to see till I see thee,
And nights bright days when dreams do show thee to me.
~William Shakespeare, "Sonnet XLIII"

William Shakespeare such a devotion in love poem. Love it.

and another quotes;
If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. ~Claudia Ghandi

I want to build a flower garden of petals thinking of him. really Do.

But, long distance relationship was n`t as shine as we could wish to.

All that we need to spice up and prolong this kinda of relationship was by having such a strong heart, positive thinking mind, infinity commitments, good internet connections and credits. Haha. I meant it. Yes. We have to be so connected to each other.

We only part to meet again. ~John Gay

Yes, I definitely believe in it deeply.

Love reckons hours for months, and days for years; and every little absence is an age. ~John Dryden
But, how about friends? Love them? Yay, it is a must.
I dont know the correct word for it but i love them from pieces of my heart until it form a good big puzzle inside. It may look typical when u love them more far from u love your mom and dad, but, the truth is there.
Mommy and daddy are still our No.1, but, sometimes we share much more secret with our friend. I bet this is because we are at the same age and flow of emotions.
Let me ask you:

Who did you find and call when you had your first crush smiling at you?
Who had been by your side when you had a fight with your boyfriend?
Who console you when you got conflicts with your family matter?

I can`t deny it, but, sometimes friends creates whole lots of roles in our life.
But, still, your mommy and daddy will be your No.1.

I enjoyed appreciated my precious in my life.
Family, Friends and a Special 1 in my life.
I want them to be happy, healthy and enjoy a good life as much as i am.

My family, boyfriend and buddies are the best friends of mine in this whole world

Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes. ~Henry David Thoreau

I am smilingly sum up this post by saying that I LOVE U All. Just Love. No other words better than this. World will be at peace if everyone is loving each other and loves will freely flowing throughout this air.

Oh, Love is just in the air. Bye everybuddy. take care. Love ya.

Aug 12, 2011

Oh, I just love the nursery rhymes!

Did U often sang lullaby rhymes? kids songs? nursery rhymes? if the answer was negative, i bet, better u start it now. it was so much fun and relaxing. Believe it or not, believe it!

I used to sing this kinda of songs lately. the utmost reason: because I was bored and at tense. But, after a while singing, i feel ease and stress released. even, I`m enjoyed.

So, lets enjoy the songs.

and, I love this song most.

Does it fun singing songs like this? U dont have to think critically and just go with the rhythms and bang your head up and down with the tunes. I love it. and just can`t stop sing it everyday. Its good for our soul and mind therapy.Can`t wait.

C`me,Lets bring it on guys!Byee!

Aug 10, 2011

What a day, FOOD POISONING again!

Salam and Hi everybody. I`m glad i`d be in the pink of health once more. In this fasting month, lots of challenges come and go. One of them is, food poisoning. It did happened to me. One of the causes was due to the Bazaar Ramadhan`s food.

But, i am majorly blaming the food in the bazzaar. I did blaming myself for not carefully choose the good food indeed. so, I met the consequences. How terrible it was when u were in those sick condition lying with pain. I swear, these was the worst after all.

BUt, everything written had its meaning.

even though i took me more than couple of days to recover, but, i`d survived.

What I can tell you is, Just beware of what you eat. Eat healthily and choose the best among the best for your tummy and body. Sayonara.

Jul 23, 2011

Sweet Chat.

Assalamualaikum and i am blogging after so many days absence due to the chaotic n bustle life that ran my empty holiday. I went to so many places these past few days. And i stepped into food doors too while having lots of kicked taste-bud dishes. For these time, I would love to introduce another sweet-cutie restaurant that be my sitting port for my lovely evening. The place was quite mini and simple, but i praise for the coziness that created here.


Here are some snaps taken on the meals that we hungrily had for tea-time. Enjoy the screwed temptations that we had.

starter: Hot homemade scones with butter and blueberry jam with Tuna Brushetta toast seared with Brazillian coffee. Nyum! the scones was just a nice combination with the fillings.

Kinda weird to smashed some salad in the evening. But, he loved it. No words can really explained it anyway. This awesome diet-dish is what we called it GRILLED CHICKEN SALAD. The salad was served with spicy mama`s Asian style dressing. But, i don`t think that this chicken is grilled coz the meats were less tender than it supposed to be when it grill.

This is my favorite and recommended dish. PIZZA CHICKEN MUSHROOM. As simple as its name, this dish was full with rich cheese topping and shittake, button mushroom, sausages, green pepper and baby tomato cherry sprinkled on the top of the pizza. The pizza crust itself crisply made to balance the richness texture of the cheese. The rich texture do blew my soul away.

Sweet Chat. Have many branches but I do prefer the romantic passage of The Mines with the view of man made river.Do have a break, stop by and enjoy ur session there. It would be enjoyable. Till then, Take care.

Jul 14, 2011


Hey guys.
Do U ever heard about The Fullhouse? Kinda thought of the Korean drama that famously watched by every Korea TV lover. But, this is not that kinda Fullhouse. Sorry.

This is another story of American Television sitcom, which captured the story of widowed father Danny Tanner (Bob Saget), who, after the death of his wife, enlists his best friend Joey Gladstone (Dave Coulier) and his brother-in-law Jesse Katsopolis (John Stamos) to help raise his three daughters, D.J. Tanner (Candace Cameron), Stephanie Tanner (Jodie Sweetin), and Michelle (Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen). Kinda 80`s TV show.

But, they are back. In term of lifestyle store and cafe.
I`d been there before. So, I want to share the dream that i had once i entered the cafe. It is sooo awesome. Freaky incredible.

My first impression:
Wow. White. I loveeee white.
OK, Love the atmosphere, baby!

The Second thought was:
"There have a book. The Menu Book. Not an ordinary version.
There must be something interesting in it.Let me see it first".

There came the trigger to move to the third step; move around and check out what were the cool stuffs in there.
What a word " A lifestyle store and cafe".
They sell cute house accessories. e.g: table lamps,cutie clocks, mini frames, mostly white in color, women accessories...

and there have ladies apparel too.

Okay, I am fully satisfied with the environment. It was like home with some English touches and very recommended for dinner date. Or any mini functions like birthday party and kinda special celebration. Fullhouse has provided upstairs area for privacy request & occasion.

Bird cages?? Unique.

OK, Enough. Lets focus on the food!!

I had scrumptiously Wok- Sear Chicken Chop.
This is a Grilled chicken thigh served with mashed potato, Pak Choy and black pepper raisin juice.

The tenderness of juicy chicken meat melts my soul away once it touched my taste-bud. However, the pak-choy seems didn`t match the combination. Maybe they want to put on the fusion oriental touch in it. But, i`m kinda not into it.

Vongole Spaghetti also a new menu promoted in FullHouse.
Highly recommended for seafood lover. FULL of clam meat in it. Mixed up with chilli flakes that spice up the oil- based spaghetti combination. Good source of protein and carbs -to balance up your diet.

HoneyDew Fruit Juice with magic ball inside. Yummy! Indeed, I`m feeling sweet while having this.

I cleansed my tummy with a refreshing Lime Juice that gonna kick my fat out.

Guest what I had for desert?
TIRAMISU, my favorite sweet finishing ever.
I gave 8 upon 10 marks. The espresso bitter taste on top of the tiramisu equal the sweet sourness of the mascarpone cheese. Huge portion desert. Just nice for two. Coz I can`t finish it myself. Its a bit too sweet.

Come and have a look on the Petit four.

Small and cute. Just nice for your tea-time or desert. It cost only RM13.00 for half dozen. The price is reasonable for the quality and taste of this delicious mouth watering petits.

This cafe also can be reach at the other branches at Jln Yap Kwan Seng and Sunway Pyramid, other than at Sunway Giza, Ara Damansara.

Frankly, I would never tired of walking down the road to get in here. Just like feeling home and relax. I have three sentences that I dedicated to The Fullhouse Cafe.

1. Full of happiness.
2. Full of blossom and romance.
3. Friendly people that full of loves while serving us.


Bye FullHouse.I`ll come again to this momentorial house.Adios Margarita.